by AdminVivHWM | May 30, 2023 | Personal
Intolerance…. Stupid little idiosyncrasies that can drive us absolutely MENTAL! Omg, guys I’ve been doing volunteer work for a foundation this past week, and being back in an office environment has just made me realise how intolerant I am. Just a note: this is...
by AdminVivHWM | May 22, 2023 | Spirituality
Getting what you really want from the universe… The theme of manifestation has been made very apparent to me over the last two weeks. Many people I’ve spent time with have said: “I put this into the universe but I got this….” How many of you have asked for...
by AdminVivHWM | May 8, 2023 | Spirituality
What does spirituality mean to me? Just a forward note – this is a non-denominational topic and discussion! This is a topic that I believe is really important. And, it’s especially important to me. The definition of spiritual (thanks google): “relating to or...
by AdminVivHWM | May 2, 2023 | Introduction, Personal
TIT-FOR-TAT So! I‘ve been asked to write a blog! Apparently, this will get me more website followers – who knew?? Ok, so now I have to write. I don’t write. Not because I can’t, but because it’s just not me. I’m a listener, not a talker. Others may argue...